The hustle and bustle is definitely in full swing. Lines are getting longer, packages are being delivered left and right, parking lots are filled to the brim, and stores are packed with frenzied shoppers. But despite all this holiday chaos, it seems that my Christmas shopping list gets shorter and shorter each year.
When it comes to Christmas it is mostly non-consumer holiday activities that fill me with anticipation. Looking at lights, ice skating at the outdoor rinks, watching old black and white holiday flicks, going to the theater, and baking, of course, are among a few of them. While I admittedly am not down-trodden about less Christmas shopping, I do still enjoy gift giving and the art of finding the perfect off-the-beaten path presents for family and friends.
My shorter shopping list this year and the desire to do away with “buying to buy” left my wreath-decorated door wide open for a new holiday tradition. This year I decided to keep the holiday gift-giving spirit alive by participating in a giving act of kindness each week from Thanksgiving through Christmas. This has taken the form of things like donating baked goods to a fundraising gala befitting a children’s theater, delivering poinsettias to unexpecting neighbors, donating money to the Galgo foundation that we adopted Felix from, handing out dog treats to good boys and girls in the neighborhood, and delivering food and blankets to our local SPCA. Spreading Christmas joy throughout the community has been a delightful way to celebrate the season.
I also want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has ordered from Teal Rabbit Bakery during the holidays. I truly enjoy being able to help make everyone’s holidays special with made-from-scratch scones, cookies, cakes, and pies. I especially enjoy getting up early in the morning while the dark and the fog are still lingering, bundling up coffee in hand to make those Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve morning deliveries. It brings a smile to my face and fills my heart with Christmas magic.